Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thank you, Captain Obvious!

I think I scared my kids when I yelled at the t.v. tonight. Seriously. I mean SERIOUSLY!?!
Don't text while READING TO YOUR KIDS?!?

I can't think what I might have texted while I was reading to my kids:
"No way! I cnt blve this junie b! LMFAO!"
"Alxndr had a trbl hrbl no gd vry bad day. LOL BOO HOO."
"Wish sam i m wld go away. Dont like grn eggs n ham either."
"I wldnt do that harry. vldmrt will own u."


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1 comment:

The Buck Shoots Here said...

And teachers are getting all the blame for low test scores! In fact, it's no wonder that all anyone wants to do to assess kids is give them another computer-scored test... it leaves adults with more time to ignore their kids.