Monday, August 11, 2008

Long Time, No See...

It's been a while since I last logged in to the blog. I've been bad.

The world has changed since I last wrote: my wife went away and came back*; a war started; the Olympics began; the family and I went to Cape Cod; ten cords of wood showed up at the house, and now I have to house it; it's rained pretty much every single day; oh, and then there was this thing about some left fielder in Boston**. I didn't hear much about it, but apparently some people were pretty worked up about it.

*It's not quite as dramatic as that: she went out to California for a few days to visit her ailing uncle. Then she came back. But I wondered whether she would...

**I LOVE JASON BAY!!! He's still with the Pirates, right? I think if the Red Sox could get that guy, this whole Manny thing might go away. Theo, make it so. ***

***Apparently I've been a little out of the loop. Welcome to Boston, Jason Bay.

Anyway, I think the point has been made. I've been away for a while. I've been away so long, I'm holding conversations with a volleyball named Mr. Wilson. (Incidentally, isn't it time for another Tom Hanks movie? What's the last bad movie you saw that had Tom Hanks?****)

****The title was "The Terminal", but I just called it interminable.

So what is the point to all of this? The point is I've been away too long. The good news is that my physics class ends this week, and that, in my estimation, is the culprit for all this time away from the keyboard. I vow to do better. Though I've been neglecting you all, my newfound classmates on line have benefited greatly from my input. We were talking about electric charges, and since it was about all I had to contribute (here I am a 7th grade science teacher and I'm just taking my first physics class...what a farce!) I started a thread called "Behold, the dryer sheet". Believe it or not, it was one of the more popular threads of last week. What a proud moment in my education.

So, let me sign off now with the solemn vow to spend a little more time spilling my thoughts on you. When I have time.


SJ said...

Welcome back, I have missed you witty comments.

The Buck Shoots Here said...

Welcome back. Tech Camp comes in handy, no? I've seen 6 of us RVBers in attendance...

Katie said...

Relax you're among friends. We all understand that blogging can't always be your number one priority.

phenomemom said...

I actually cried when Wilson floated away. And not silent streaming tears.. I'm talking snotty-nosed sobbing.

I've been away too long as well. You're in good company.