Friday, November 21, 2008

Photo Friday Challenge

SJ's Sky Photo entry linked me to another photo challenge: the Photo Friday Challenge. Today's challenge is "food", and a whole bunch of people in this circle would be up for that challenge (Amity? Krazy Karoline?)! This is my entry:

Amity, I'm sorry I got all the garlic in the ground this fall without having you over to see the process. It's really easy, though.


Amity said...

It's ok, as long as I can eat some next year....

Traveling Jones said...

Wait. What's the challenge? Am I supposed to guess what this is or try to post some sort of "better" photo?

Unknown said...

Krazy K-
By being up to the challenge, I mean you are a foodophile, and you have been known to take pictures of food. You'd be a perfect candidate to contribute. Hope you had fun at the Dead Hensons.

Unknown said...

I'll do what I can to hook you up. I planted about 50% more than last year, so there should be enough to go around.