Friday, December 12, 2008

Photo Friday: Weathered

While SJ has taken to posting sky pictures on a semi-regular weekly basis, I am somewhat less regular in my posting to Photo Friday. However, here's my entry for "Weathered". I'm hoping some of the prompts will get me taking more new pictures, but I wanted to share this one. It's an old yellow birch standing on the bank of the stream by our house.

I took this picture during one of the field studies for my master's course last winter (just finished my latest class last night...woohoo!) It's an ancient warrior, which--though it is no longer removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and giving us nice, clean oxygen--is still providing food and shelter for birds and small mammals. It's a great tree.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I love rotting trees--maybe you can document this year by year as it goes back into the earth and then write a book about its life after death.