Friday, December 19, 2008

So You Think You Know...Christmas?

Wrapping paper or gift bags? Newspaper, painted with watercolors. Or recycled wrapping paper. Or recycled gift bags. Or that red plaid paper I BOUGHT (gasp!) new a couple of years ago because I liked it.

Real tree or artificial? Real. Period.

When do you put up the tree? As late as I can get away with it.

When do you take the tree down? Before CheerChick's birthday on December 28th.

Do you like eggnog? Only Devon's recipe. God I miss Devon right about now! (And many other times, too, but especially around Christmas.)

Favorite gift received as a child? An axe. Really.

Hardest person to buy for? Rach, of course.

Easiest person to buy for? Either of the kids, who have nice long lists.

Do you have a nativity scene? Yes. I wish Willie Nelson were in it, though, bringing his special gift to the Baby Jesus.

Mail or e-mail Christmas cards? Mail. I'll get the ones to my friends out sometime over vacation, I hope.

Worst Christmas gift you ever received? No such long as it was given from the heart.

When do you start shopping for Christmas? Whenever I see something that I need to buy someone.

Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Who hasn't?

Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Whatever beast is roasted...lamb, beef, ham, ''s all good.

Lights on the tree? Too many. I'd like them to be LED, but I'm not sure that's going to happen.

Favorite Christmas song? "Christmas (Baby, Please Come Home)", performed by either U2 or Darlene Love.

Travel at Christmas or stay home? I'd prefer to stay home on Christmas proper, but I don't mind a short jaunt to Weld for dinner with my parents.

Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? And Olive...the OTHER reindeer...

Angel on top of the tree, or a star? Beer can. (Not really.)

Presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Morning, but the sock is my favorite part.

Most annoying thing about this time of year? Crass commercialism and lack of commitment to peace on Earth.

Favorite ornament theme or color? Theme? I like all our homemade ornaments featuring the kids' pictures from over the years.

Favorite for Christmas dinner? Standing rib roast with garlic mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole. The beef was Woody's favorite, too.

What do you want for Christmas this year? Not much. Everyone to forget about why they think their religion is best, and lay down their weapons and prejudices.

Who is most likely to respond to this? Either SJ or Rach.

Who is least likely to respond to this? Whoever has the least time on his or her hands.


The Buck Shoots Here said...

I'm glad you like the photo ornaments... it's one of my more inspired family traditions, if I do say so myself.

SJ said...

An ax.... never would have guessed. Thanks for playing along!

Katie said...

Those ornaments are cute. A little timeline scattered about the tree. I borrowed an ax once when I went for my Maine Woodsman one summer.