Monday, June 8, 2009


So today we were taking water samples in class, and I was explaining how important it was for the information my students wrote on their data sheets to be accurate. The idea is that I am starting my students on periodic testing of the same stream that borders the schoolyard, and all of their entries need to have the proper date and time to keep them valid.

That is nowhere near the point of this post.

I told them the date, 6/8/09, and noticed, "Hey, that's almost 7/8/09! Next month we're going to have to celebrate 'Why was 6 afraid of 7? Day' " A couple of kids got it. Then I explained it, and I couldn't believe there were kids who: a) didn't get it or b) never heard the joke before. So in case you missed it the first time, here is the 2nd grade joke:

"Why was six afraid of seven?"
"Because seven ate nine!" (7, 8, 9 or 7/8/09...and the kneeslaps ensued.)

So, spread the word. A month from today is National (or International) "Why Was Six Afraid of Seven? Day". I won't be around to blog it, as I'll be fending off grizzly bears in the wilds of Montana, while prying T-rex bones from the unyielding ground. So spread the word, and join me in starting a movement that honors both juvenile humor and math at the same time.


Traveling Jones said...

I'll be sure to bring it up in summer school.

SJ said...

WOW! That is about the only math joke I have. The other one is:
What did Zero say to Eight?

(wait for it......)

Nice belt!

Again with the shock over the number of students who don't get it. I will make sure to spread the word of your new holiday on 07/08/09.

The Buck Shoots Here said...

I'm sure Sister Math Professor will be thrilled to play along while you're with the dinosaurs.

Wendy said...

If you're interested, the Bare Naked Ladies did a song entitled "7, 8, 9." It's actually pretty cute ;).

Unknown said...

SJ- I have another math joke (it's really philosophy, but it deals with Descartes, so it applies to math, too.

Rene Descartes was on a plane (it might have been a Cartesian plane, but I digress). The flight attendant asked him "would you care for a drink?"

Descartes replied "I think not", and POOF, he disappeared.