Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Keep On Rockin' in the Free World

As much as my wife complains about the late nights and long drives, my wife is still a rocker at heart. If she weren't, she wouldn't bring things like this and this to my attention. Yeah, two of our favorite bands playing in Portland at the same venue in the same week. And she wouldn't ask me if I was interested, because she knows the answer.

(Fountains of Wayne-"Hackensack"...who knew Katy Perry did a cover? Who cared?)

(Hold Steady-"Party Pit"...they didn't play this when we saw them back in April...I may try to contact them and make a special request...)

Then I found out that the mighty James is playing the Paradise Rock Club in Boston on a Saturday night in September. We'll probably make that road trip as well.

(James-"Sit Down"...the guy singing isn't James. He's Tim. James is the drummer, but the band's not really named after him. Don't know why the photographer has to focus just on Tim, but the song is awesome and it's the one Rach and WB danced to in the recital a couple of years ago so it's even more special.)

So as old as we are, the music hasn't left us behind. I swear I could follow my favorite bands around for a living, even as I enter my golden years.


The Buck Shoots Here said...

Maybe that's what we do when we get crazy enough to want to live full time in a camper...

Amity said...

You aren't old!

Unknown said...

Rach: Maybe a geezer blog, reviewing concerts? I like it.

AmL Today I realized that if I taught to the age of 62, I'm about mid-career. You're only as old as you feel: I feel about 62 when I wake up, 22 when I'm with the on average I'm about 42. Which lines up really well with reality.