Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Blog 2.0

I've tried this before. To be precise, I've tried blogging three times before, with the intention of chronicling the things that happen every day in my teaching, as entertainment for whoever reads it, and as reflective practice for me. It never really materialized that way: it turns out I can watch t.v. shows that require any level of intellectual investment--from NOVA to American Gladiators--while playing Mahjong, but blogging actually requires some intellectual input of my own.

In recent days I've discovered the secret world that goes on around me, and to which I've been oblivious. My wife is blogging. My best friend is blogging. My colleagues and other friends are blogging. They're all tagging each other, too, in the 21st century's version of the philosopher's club--which is preferable to the other analogy I had in mind, which is "e-promiscuity". Don't get any viruses, folks! Anyway, I feel a little left out. Well, no more. I'm back, and this time it's not all about school. Future posts will address culture, local events, music, politics, family life, general airing of grievances (I plan to celebrate Festivus this year...which I'm sure will come as a surprise to my wife), a few photos, and, yes, even a little bit of reflection on the classroom.

So, feel free to drop by any time for a dose of unfounded opinion and unapologetic rambling. The virtual door is always open.


The Buck Shoots Here said...

Festivus, huh? I'll add it to the 20 million holiday gatherings I already scrapbook for posterity....

Mike said...

Virus? We are all on Macs! What's a virus?

SJane said...

Festivus - I tossed that around as a holiday party plan. I think that it would be a lot of fun!