Sunday, April 20, 2008

Definitely Cooler Than Me

A couple of Dirigo's finest have entered a film contest at the Great Minds Foundation. Brandon Doyen and Josh White posted a public service announcement called "Talk". Check it out, and compare it to the other entries, and I think you'll agree that it is superior work. The message is a good one, and powerfully delivered. The editing is impressive. These two have done Dirigo proud. I got their permission to embed the video on my blog, but you should drop in at the website to give them some words of encouragement and a four or five star vote.

Edit: I've removed the video from my blog, but feel free to click the link and check it out.

Well done, guys!


The Buck Shoots Here said...

I'm super impressed with this video, and getting to know these two has been a treat. They're great kids!!!!

SJane said...

Great plug for these two! The Music Man has been showing it to me over the past few weeks, they really have a great eye for video. You should see the outtakes!