Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Blogging Live From the MEA Conference

Silly me, I forgot my camera so I can't share any pictures of Southern Maine Community College, so I've linked it. Amazing how this place has changed since the mid 90's when I came down to apply for a youth mentoring position. It's Tuesday, and my Web2.0 workshop began at 2 pm, and I'm feeling a little too proficient. After all, I have a blog, I have a MySpace account (never use it) and I'm not YouTube phobic. I was hoping there would be people here who were using Web2.0 in classrooms, but mostly it's people who are just progressing beyond email. No problem. There are some cool things that go along with the presentation that I can take home.

We're also moving toward talking about using Web2.0 applications for association issues. That could be very useful to the Dirigo Education Association, sharing information and ideas between leadership and membership. Lord knows we can use that.

I am commuting during this conference, because of my aforementioned Conceptual Physics class. I know that if I were to stay down here I'd end up frittering away my time, not doing my physics work, not being able to use my equipment at school. This way I can spend an hour and a half driving each way for the next three days, then frittering away my time in the comfort of my own living room. Easy peasy!

But seriously, I found a cool way for me to use that time effectively: I'm listening to my Richard Muller "Physics for Future Presidents" lectures on iTunes while I commute! This week we are talking about waves, light and sound. The Muller lectures will be my companion for the week.

Tomorrow and Thursday I will be in the "New Leaders Academy". Somehow I feel like the Politburo is molding me to the will of the party, and I am becoming part of the apparatchik. I'm simply not good at making my mind play along with these activities. Is it weird that I'd really rather be working on my physics?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where y'at?

Not that I expect a whole lot of exotic locales outside of the River Valley...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

...and proud of it!

67% Geek

...but if I were a TECH geek I could figure out why this graphic comes out all funky. Andi I'd even care.

Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Renaissance Man

Thanks to SJ, there are all these "memes" for us to post, and take the place of the real effort of blogging. Apparently I'm a renaissance man--which I think must be code for "not good enough at anything in particular to claim it as a skill". I have a difficult time comparing myself to da Vinci, but I like to think I'm as studly as the Vitruvian Man...and I also like to think of jelly donuts as fruit and fiber.

Which Famous Artist Are You?

You are part Leonardo da Vinci. You are the "Renaissance man" and you live to be productive. Great at everything you put your mind to, you have great passion and drive. But of all qualities, your curiosity is your best trait.

You are part Ansel Adams. Your artistic tool of choice is the camera, but you've got lots of other skills as well. Spoiled when you were young, you grew up to be a loving person and you have a deep affinity for nature and all things black and white.

Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com

Monday, July 21, 2008

Wordle Up!

Man, if I thought there were people out there clamoring for my posts, I'd feel guilty about my inactivity. Conceptual Physics is using up most of my RAM, so I haven't even given much thought to what I'd say even if I could blog. Thank goodness for Wordle.

I love that "nekkid" shows up...

...but where the heck is "shuttlecock"? Tell me if you find it.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Coming Home in Pieces

I don't have much to say about this, except I debated posting it because of the graphic footage of the reality of war. James is one of my favorite bands, and I think the lyrics of this song express my feelings about Iraq quite perfectly.

The James album "Hey Ma" will be released in the U.S. in September, but I found it on eBay as an import, in case you are interested.

Monday, July 7, 2008

But Enough About Me...or Not...

I am...

having a hard time keeping up with blogging, especially now that summer is acting like summer.

I want....

to want less.

I have...

never understood the fascination with Michael Jackson. Or Madonna.

I wish...

there were a way for me to drop out of society and farm garlic for a living.

I hate...


I fear...

very little except for my childrens' and grandchildrens' futures.

I hear...

the voices of generations before in the words of my students.

I search...

for rainbows every time the sun shines after rain.

I wonder...

how we're going to use our ingenuity to get out of this mess.

I regret...

anything I've ever done that wasn't in line with what my heart told me to do. My heart is usually right.

I love...

rain on a metal roof.

I ache...

in the morning, sometimes when I sit too long, after gardening...pretty much always.

I always...

avoid answering the telephone when there is someone else around to answer it.

I usually...

treat everyone with respect they deserve. I wish this could be an "I always..."

I am not...

into yoga/and I have half a brain...(any Rupert Holmes fans out there?)

I dance...

only to music that I find worthy of the energy, and only spontaneously.

I sing...

better than I think I do. I'm working on my confidence.

I never...

have had much confidence in my abilities.

I rarely...

argue when I don't know I'm right. It's an infuriating trait to some.

I cry....

more about happy things than about sad.

I am not always...

good at remembering.

I lose...

my temper very rarely, but it's not pretty when I do.

I'm confused...

about the formulas in the physics class I'm taking. Old mental blocks die hard.

I miss...

Too Much Joy. They wrote the soundtrack for my life from age 18 to 30.

I need...

much less than I want.

I should...

eat less meat.