1) I sweat when the dew point gets above 30˚F...
2) even if the temperature is below 3˚C.
3) I fancy myself a sports fan...
4) but music is really my first love...
5) but really my first love is my family...
6) and especially my wife. (Didn't think I could save that, did you?)
7) I love John Stewart and Stephen Colbert because they are clever...
8) and hate country music that tries to be clever.
9) When I was a kid the only garden chore I would do is hit rocks out of it with a stick...
10) and I've taught Weather Lad he can perform the same chore.
11) I've lost every competitive fiber in my body since high school.
12) That doesn't bother me.
13) I considered doing this list with song lyrics that contained each number.
14) Sadly, I could probably get pretty far with that.
15) It saddens me how far Mike Myers has fallen...
16) and Eddie Murphy...
17) and Adam Sandler.
18) Writing in this fashion severely cramps my style...
19) and it's probably good for me.
20) In my freshman picture from high school I look like
Wil Ferrell in the cowbell skit, minus the sunglasses (I presume you've met my belly in previous pictures?)
21) Wil Ferrell makes me laugh even in his most stupid moments.
22) Jim Carrey does not make me laugh, except in his least stupid moments.
23) My favorite baseball players are the ones who do the little things right...
24) which is why Dwight Evans is my all-time favorite (the REAL #24--sorry, Manny)
25) I admire the detail-oriented people in my life...
26) though sometimes I don't understand them.
27) I fail to see why anyone would want to spend their time reading this.
28) I believe kids need to spend less time doing things adults are running.
29) I believe nations should be abolished and dissolved...
30) but I have no idea how this happens.
31) It's pretty damned sad that Zimbabwe is making Kenya look good right now.
32) As unlikely as it is, I feel Obama could actually make a difference. Call me a cockeyed optimist, but that's how I see it.
33) I originally attended college at Marist in Poughkeepsie, NY.
34) I was a communications major, intent on being the next Dan Rather.
35) That lasted one semester, as I hated New York and the frantic pace.
36) My communications experience was finally put to use at WABI-TV 5 in Bangor.
37) I was a production assistant for $5.75 an hour.
38) If the pay had been better, I might have stayed in television.
39) My faith in America has been profoundly shaken by the Bush II administration...
40) and that is no exaggeration.
41) I was born in Barnstable, MA, and lived the first 8 years of my life on Cape Cod.
42) My parents worked at Camp Arcadia in Otisfield, and moved the family to Weld when we visited some friends there and decided it was the place for us.
43) This fall will be the first soccer season in 15 years that I'm not coaching school soccer.
44) That doesn't seem possible.
45) The last time that happened I was a grad student at the University of Tennessee.
46) MS in Political Science, if you must know. One year. $15,000. Some lessons are more expensive than others.
47) I have just been accepted into the MS in Science Education program at Montana St.
48) I don't plan to drop out of this program.
49) I take pleasure in the simple things...
50) I love my headphones...
51) and my wedding ring.
52) That was for Rach.
53) Human nature scares the hell out of me. We're pretty ingenious, but not very smart.
54) The concept of hunting appeals to me, but I'm not good at killing things.
55) The only mammal I've ever intentionally killed was a woodchuck...
56) in my mother's garden, with a Browning .22.
57) It really bothered me.
58) Oh, yeah, I've killed countless mice with traps.
59) This doesn't bother me in the least.
60) Somehow, fishing doesn't bother me, either.
61) I borrowed "The Omnivore's Dilemma" from Sue BC and I hope to get a chance to read it.
62) I have one sister who is six years older than me.
63) We get along great, but I'm not very good at keeping in touch.
64) The lure of
Aunt Beast is calling; I can't wait to take her out.
65) The best part of marriage is the shared experiences and points of reference.
66) I love that we already had so many shared points of reference before we even met.
67) My short-term memory is horrible, and it has nothing to do with THC. I was born this way.
68) I can definitely relate to Dory.
69) The Olympics in Beijing are going to be hard to watch, but I'll do it anyway.
70) B-minor is my hardest chord to play on my guitar.
71) I love my guitar, a Seagull Artist M series, made from sustainable Canadian cedar.
Bedazzling simply freaks me out.
73) My summer list of to-do's includes an Earth oven.
74) It's almost time to begin my summer professional reading.
75) I enjoy the way I've become more true to my ideals as I've gotten older.
76) My mid-life crisis is not likely to involve an expensive sports car, but an
expensive electric guitar.
77) This is harder than I thought it would be.
78) Sweet William is my favorite flower.
79) I get more pleasure than I should from mowing my lawn.
80) If I could ever get a dog I'd look into Bernese Mountain Dogs.
81) The one summer when my cantaloupes flourished was my favorite garden EVER.
82) My garden is a constant source of joy...
83) as well as frustration and disappointment.
84) I'm troubled by society's misguided attitudes toward winning and losing.
85) When I was a kid, all I wanted to be able to do was dunk a basketball.
86) As a freshman, I could grab the rim.
87) That was as good as it ever got, but I was a pretty tough rebounder.
88) My large butt was the main reason for my rebounding success: hard to get around me!
89) I quit baseball after eighth grade because I didn't think I could hit anymore.
90) Then I ran track, and am glad I did.
91) When I moved to Peru I played fast pitch softball in the Oxie League.
92) Turns out I could still hit pretty well...I miss it.
93) I had back surgery about 8 years ago, and my body won't tolerate anything high impact for very long anymore.
94) My back is really good, and biking doesn't seem to bother it much.
95) I will be trading my upright diamond frame bike for a recumbent tadpole trike in the near future...
96) so I can do a cross country ride.
97) Sometimes Spongebob Squarepants makes me laugh. I'm sorry.
98) Traveling with my family is one of my most favorite things to do.
99) New York Super Fudge Chunk is one of the greatest discoveries of man.
100) This was fun, but I'm out of stuff to say.